miercuri, 29 decembrie 2010

De ce sa cumparati o BANDA de ALERGARE?

Progresul tehnologiei combinat cu costurile de productie reduse ? toate acestea va spun ca puteti acum sa cumparati o banda de alergare pentru uz la domiciliu cu control gradient, cu programe presetate si o functionare care este extrem de apropiata de benzile de alergare comerciale de calitate pentru mai putin de 1000Euro!

Ceea ce este foarte bine, pentru ca alergatul si urcatul dealurilor reprezinta forme foarte bune de antrenament cardiovascular si ambele sunt eficiente atat in controlul greutatii cat si in reducerea grasimii din corp. O banda buna de alergare poate oferi un nivel de amortizare atat de ridicat incat face ca cei mai exotici pantofi de sport sa dea senzatia unui flip-flop, fara sa trebuiasca sa cauti rutele fara trafic si poluare, dar sigure, mai ales pentru femei in serile de iarna.

Dar benzile de alergare presupun o tehnologie mai complexa decat celelalte tipuri de echipament? (cum ar fi cross trainers (bicicletele), ceea ce inseamna ca trebuie sa te gandesti bine inainte de a te repezi sa cumperi acel produs)

Foarte important cand cumparati o banda de alergare:

Asigurati-va ca banda de alergare se vinde impreuna cu o garantie a service-ului, pentru ca multe marci de import se vand doar cu garantia pieselor (doar nu vreti sa schimbati un nou motor chiar d-voastra, etc). Asigurati-va ca garantia nu se ofera cu intoarcerea la baza (d-voastra platiti transportul), intrebati daca inginerul vine la d-voastra acasa sa faca reparatia.

Este important sa cumparati un produs cu nume de marca cunoscut “high street” pentru care se ofera service adecvat in toata tara. Astfel, daca vanzatorul cu amanuntul dispare, garantia d-voastra este totusi valabila la producator. Acum multi producatori ofera garantii pentru toata viata aparatului pentru motor si o garantie prelungita pentru structura si componente.

* Dimensiuni generale – Verificati daca se incadreaza in locul in care doriti sa-l puneti (langa o sursa de energie) cu destul loc pentru a va urca si coborati de pe aparat. Daca locul este mic, ganditi-va si la benzile de alergare rabatabile.
* Puterea motorului – Ar trebui sa aiba cel putin 2.0 cai putere si sa aiba un bun efort de torsiune (la viteze foarte mici, cureaua nu trebuie sa incetineasca cand pasiti pe ea)
* Amortizarea si stabilitatea benzii – Cum te simti cand alergi pe banda de alergare? O banda buna de alergare ar trebui sa ofere o amortizare excelenta, dar sa nu scuture, sa nu agite, sa nu faca zgomote sau sa vibreze la fiecare pas.
* Cureaua sau banda de rulare – verificati daca banda este destul de lata (se recomanda de la 40cm in sus) si destul de lunga pentru a se adapta stilului d-voastra de alergat fara sa aveti crampe si sa se miste lin pentru punte, chiar si cand mergeti la viteza mica.
* Viteza maxima – Asigurati-va ca este cu cel putin 3Km/ora mai mare decat pasul d-voastra obisnuit de alergat? pentru ca motoarele benzilor de alergare care sunt folosite la viteze maxime pe perioade lungi nu vor rezista prea mult.
* Gradientul maxim (inclinarea) -? Gradiente maxime mai mari, de ex. 12%+ sunt folositoare pentru exercitiile de mers. Mai verificati si cat de repede se schimba gradientul cand apasati butonul!
* Pupitru feedback si usurinta utilizarii – cat de clare si inteligibile sunt informatiile de pe afisaj? Cat de usor este accesul la programe (daca exista)? Daca sunt butoanele destul de vizibile si usor de folosit?
* Programele – multe benzi de alergare ofera antrenamente la intervale anume, curse de alergat in panta sau va dau posibilitatea sa va creati propriul d-voastra program de alergat/ mers. Unele mai afiseaza si controlul ritmului cardiac.
* Zgomotul – cat de zgomotoasa este banda de alergat mai ales la viteze mai mari? Benzile de alergare mai silentioase de obicei au un standard mai ridicat de structura si motor.
* Rabatarea – Se rabateaza banda de alergare pentru a putea fi depozitata?
* Standardul structurii – Structurile sudate sunt mai bune decat structurile prinse cu suruburi (suruburile se pot desprinde sub presiune si greutate mare) iar banda de alergare nu trebuie sa se scuture vizibil cand calcati pe ea (este semnul unei constructii fragile)!

duminică, 12 decembrie 2010

Download Free Magento Themes

Sometimes it’s really useful to follow Template Monster Blog! I’ve just found out that Template Monster has launched Free Magento Themes!

Template Monster is the best source for website templates if you want something professional, attractive, and easy-to-use for your online store or website. So it’s amazing that Free Magento Themes are offered by such a reliable templates provider!

If you are familiar with Magento you already know that it’s the best platform for SEO-friendly and easy-manageable online stores. Template Monster provides professional Magento Themes that are fully compatible with Magento application. So Magento brings the best shopping cart solution and Template Monster brings the best designs for this shopping cart.

Have a look; these are Free Magento Themes that can be downloaded at TemplateMonster.com:

Pet Store Magento Theme

free Magento theme for a pet store

Electronics Magento Theme

free magento theme for a computer store

Please note that there are some limitations associated with Free Magento Themes. You aren’t allowed to resell them or claim your authorship. Also you aren’t allowed to make them a part of your portfolio.

Still the most important is that Free Magento Themes can be used for your online stores. Isn’t it what all online merchants dream of?

Magento URL string problems

I thought I'd come back to this prob a little later, and now is a good time.

Basically, the URL's for the footer links all work fine if you click them from the homepage or product pages. It just goes directly there following the URL I specified for the page. For example: MYSITE/Terms_and_conditions

However, there's a really annoying issue where if anyone is on any section of the checkout (so either MYSITE/Checkout/Cart or MYSITE/Checkout/onepage) and then attempts to go to any of the footer links, it leads to a 404 page not found error.

The reason is because instead of replacing the checkout URL, it just adds the footer link URL onto the end, so I end up with something like this:




Obviously these URL's don't exist, which is why it's giving the 404 error.

The 'Checkout' pages are not the only place doing this, it also happens if you try to navigate to a footer link from the 'contacts' page (for sending an email.)

So does anyone know how to stop the URL's from stacking up when navigating to the footer links when on these pages?

Thanks once again for your help folks!

sâmbătă, 11 decembrie 2010

How To Start Your Own Quilt Shop

Comprehensive Business Guide Shows You How To Start, Run, And Market A Successful Quilt Shop.

Check it out!

Envato Flash OOP Bundle on Sale!

 Since our roots here at Envato are in Flash – ActiveDen was our very first site – we’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for the technology. Though it’s taken a battering in the last year, things seem to be picking up and certainly our Flash Marketplace is still going strong. So today we’re unveiling a limited time offer Flash OOP Site Template Bundle packing $399 of value and putting it for sale for just $30!

The templates in this deal are simply stunning, and built really, really well. What’s more we’ve included bonus extras from partners secureSWF, Greensock and RockablePress.

If you’re a Flash-addict, have a project suited to Flash, or just want to dabble and see where the state of things are, head over and grab yourself a bundle now!

The deal is only available for a few days so don’t delay. And if you’re interested in hearing about more Envato Bundles add your name to our supersale list!

View the original article here

Balonarea este cauzata de o anumita afectiune sau este o consecinta a unui stil alimentar dezordonat. Daca senzatia de balonare este repetitiva, in ciuda regimului alimentar optim, este important sa va adresezi unui medic specialist pentru a depista daca exista probleme digestive si cum pot fi tratate. Balonarea se manifesta prin gaze in exces in tubul digestiv, in special in stomac si intestine. In cazuri de balonare persistenta, este recomandata o detoxifiere de 2-3 ori pe an, necesitate prezenta in special dupa varsta de 35 de ani, cand problemele digestive devin mai frecvente.

Happy Thanksgiving 2010

All of us at Magento wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and give thanks to you all for making Magento the fastest growing eCommerce platform.

Goble! Goble!

View the original article here

vineri, 10 decembrie 2010

My Online Income System - Earn up to $75/sale

Unique money making product unlike any other on Cb! Our customers love our products and actually make money. Converting 1:25 hops with review sites and even better on JV's! MYONLINEINCOMESYSTEM.COM/affiliates.htm

Check it out!

Get a Top Selling Item on CodeCanyon for Free

As you may know, each month – across all of the Envato™ marketplaces – we offer one new free file. I’m pleased to announce that, for December, the awesome Jigowatt team have donated one of CodeCanyon’s top selling PHP scripts.

So for the entire month of December, you can have it for free!

Very easy to integrate into any existing PHP page on your website.The form style can be integrated into your existing website Stylesheet.All fields have a validation script so you get the *required info you need.Anti spam, are you human? filter.Only 1 option to configure (your email address) to make the script function.Integrated thank you / success page.Integrated error messages, if fields aren’t correct or incomplete.Uses standard server features for a no-hassle installation.Customisable email message that you receive.Customisable email subject.New! Submit phone number and digit validation.

I’d love to remind you of our newest category, specifically for mobile components, boilerplates, and scripts! I’m particularly excited to see how the Titanium subcategory pans out, as there’s an enormous amount of potential there — for both authors and buyers.

Anyhow – enjoy the free item! Also, don’t forget that all of our marketplaces offer a new free item every month!

View the original article here

Magento Community Update

 Over the last few months we've been evaluating better ways to focus on our community. In a previous post, I also mentioned that we'd be looking into ways to consolidate some of our community channels, so we can focus on what is the most helpful and productive for our community members.

So with that, I'd like to announce that we will be closing both our Community Groups as well as the eCommerce General, Marketing and SEO forums. Additionally the Community General and Off-Topic forums will be archived so that members can view but no longer post to it. The ultimate goal is to be able to concentrate our efforts on supporting the community in the capacity of troubleshooting, sharing Magento knowledge and experience, exchanging programming tips as well as support for Magento Connect/Extensions. We believe that closing these channels will allow our community members easier access to important information.

In the future, we may look into other, better ways of having these kinds of channels available, and possibly more - but we currently feel that these channels do not add to our current goals.

Magento Connect Search - We've enhanced our Magento Connect search. We've added a lot more weight to extension title and summary. Also, we've corrected the search filtering so that the best and most relevant results are returned -- every time.

Extension Reviews - We've removed anonymous reviews. You must now log into your magentocommerce.com account in order to review an extension. I think it's important to be transparent when you're reviewing an extension and it will also help developers easily identify users that may be having difficulties.

Extension Titles - You can now edit your own extension titles! Please be aware that while you can change the title, the official extension name will remain the same. This shouldn't cause any difficulty for developers, but if you're having a problem, please let us know.

As always, feel free to email me at rhonda at magento dot com, or PM me directly in the forums to rondata.

2011 is going to be a great year for us and we have lots of things planned -- I'm very excited about ringing in the New Year with our awesome Magento Community.


View the original article here

20 Food and Drink Magento Templates

Last week we reviewed 20 Food Websites that are powered by Magento. We hope you found them inspiring and today we’re going to share some Food and Drink Magento Templates. Each of these templates is a quick and convenient solution to build an online store that would sell food or drinks. Also, as you may guess by the title, Food and Drink Magento Templates are to be used with the Magento eCommerce platform.

Please note, the following Magento Templates are created by different companies, including TemplateMonster.com, Templates-Master.com, Mage-World.com, MageSupport.com and eCommerce-Themes.com. In other words, all you have to do to see the most amazing Food and Drink Magento Templates is scroll down and click the images you like.

View the original article here

joi, 9 decembrie 2010

Online Roulette Robot | Very High Conversion

We have created an automated robot software that wins money at Online roulette.

Check it out!

How to Create a FAQ Page with WordPress and Custom Post Types

 Technology: Wordpress and jQuery UI Difficulty: Intermediate Estimated Completion Time: 45 minutes

In the web world, a FAQ page is created specifically for the viewers/customers, and contains general questions and their respective answers about a particular product or service. This tutorial details the process of creating a dedicated FAQ section in the WordPress backend with custom post types, as well as how to spice up the actual page a bit by using jQuery and CSS.

To accomplish our goal, we require a dedicated custom FAQ WordPress post type. That way, we can use the title and the content of these posts to display the FAQs in an innovative and user-friendly way.

To begin creating the FAQ page, we, of course, must first install WordPress on our localhost. Installing WordPress is a piece of cake; however, if you’re new to this, here is a guide that details the process.

The TwentyTen template is the default theme that ships with WordPress.

Once WordPress is ready to go, we should next create our custom theme, which will implement the FAQ functionality. There are various methods of creating a custom theme. Some prefer to create a new blank white template, while others like to create child themes of the new TwentyTen template. I have been using the Starker’s theme, by Elliot Jay Stocks for a long time now; we’ll use it to create the new theme for our FAQ system.

Download the latest version of the Starker’s blank theme, and move the folder into ‘wp-content/themes’, located within the WordPress installation folder. Also, be sure to rename it to FAQ. Next, login to the backend administration panel of WordPress, click on ‘appearance/themes.’ You will find that the default ‘TwentyTen’ theme is activated, while the new theme, ‘Starkers,’ is listed below it. Activate the Starkers theme.

Upon activation, preview the site to verify that everything is, indeed, working properly. If all went according to plan, the site should look somewhat like the following image:

To implement the FAQ system, we are going to create a custom post type solely for this purpose. This will enable us to manage all the FAQs in one place, especially if the FAQ question base increases with time.

To implement a custom post, edit the functions.php file located in the FAQ theme folder. It will contain a good bit of code, so don’t be scared or confused. Scroll down to the bottom and append the following to add a new custom post. We begin by creating hooking a custom function to the initialization (init) action.

// ADDING CUSTOM POST TYPE FAQadd_action('init', 'my_custom_init');

This custom function will contain all the metadata for the custom post, and will also register the custom post within the WordPress database. Now, within the function, we are first going to define the labels which will be used in the backend administration panels. By labels, I mean the text that is going to show up in the user interface for adding, editing, and searching the FAQs in the admin panel.

$labels = array( 'name' => _x('FAQs', 'post type general name'), 'singular_name' => _x('FAQ', 'post type singular name'), 'add_new' => _x('Add New', 'FAQ'), 'add_new_item' => __('Add New FAQ'), 'edit_item' => __('Edit FAQ'), 'new_item' => __('New FAQ'), 'view_item' => __('View FAQ'), 'search_items' => __('Search FAQs'), 'not_found' => __('No FAQs found'), 'not_found_in_trash' => __('No FAQs found in Trash'), 'parent_item_colon' => '' );

After we’ve defined the labels, we next define the arguments array for the register_post_type method. These arguments contain all the important information which will define the components of our FAQ post. For example, will it have a tag box; an excerpt box? We pass the array of labels defined above as an argument, as well.

$args = array( 'labels' => $labels, 'public' => true, 'publicly_queryable' => true, 'show_ui' => true, 'query_var' => true, 'rewrite' => true, 'capability_type' => 'post', 'hierarchical' => false, 'menu_position' => 5, 'supports' => array('title','editor','thumbnail','custom-fields') );

Now that the arguments are defined, we can register the custom post type using the register_post_type method. You can learn more about this method by referring to its documentation in the WordPress Codex.

function my_custom_init(){ $labels = array( 'name' => _x('FAQs', 'post type general name'), 'singular_name' => _x('FAQ', 'post type singular name'), 'add_new' => _x('Add New', 'FAQ'), 'add_new_item' => __('Add New FAQ'), 'edit_item' => __('Edit FAQ'), 'new_item' => __('New FAQ'), 'view_item' => __('View FAQ'), 'search_items' => __('Search FAQs'), 'not_found' => __('No FAQs found'), 'not_found_in_trash' => __('No FAQs found in Trash'), 'parent_item_colon' => '' ); $args = array( 'labels' => $labels, 'public' => true, 'publicly_queryable' => true, 'show_ui' => true, 'query_var' => true, 'rewrite' => true, 'capability_type' => 'post', 'hierarchical' => false, 'menu_position' => 5, 'supports' => array('title','editor','thumbnail','custom-fields') ); register_post_type('faq',$args);}

Check the administration panel to determine if the FAQ type post has, in fact, been added successfully. Hopefully, you’ll see the FAQ tab in the sidebar.

Now go ahead and add some demo FAQs, because we need some data for creating and testing the template. The title of each FAQ post should be the question, and the content will be the answer.

So far, we’ve created FAQ custom posts, as well as inserted a set of sample data. Now, we’ll code the template to display the FAQs, accordingly. The main logic I have used for organizing the template is: use the FAQ’s unique ID to link the question to the answers. Hence, we have two parts in the template: the questions section, listing all the FAQ titles; and the answer section, which displays the content of each of the FAQs.

Find the header.php file, open it, delete the div with an id of “access” at the bottom, and also the paragraph which contains the description of the blog. Now add the following code.

After we retrieve our FAQ post data, we must frame the architecture of how the questions will be displayed. We shall do it in the following manner. All the content is wrapped within a div with an id of “content.”


Not Found

Sorry, No FAQs created yet.

The most important part here is where we assign the hyperlink with a value of ‘#answer’ and append the post?’s id to it. We can use this to jump to the answers, when clicked.

After we’ve displayed all of the questions, we “rewind” our posts to return to the beginning.

Now we will structure how the answers are going to appear, just below the questions.

You can see that we are going to list the content of each post in a list element. Each list element will have an id of “answers” with the post ID appended to it. This is important: when the question is clicked, the view jumps to the content of the respective post. If you’re working along, preview your site; you should see all the posts listed in the architecture described above.

Styling of the FAQ page depends entirely on your tastes; you can proceed in any manner you wish. If you’re a designer, feel free to skip Step 4. What I have personally implemented is a smooth and clean layout. When the user clicks on the question, the page smoothly scrolls down to the respective answer and highlights it by changing the colour and increasing the font size. To achieve this, we’ll start by styling the template with CSS. We can make use of CSS3 to add some shadows and transition effects, too. Add the following CSS to styles.css.

body{ background-color: #bcbcbc;}.clear { clear: both;}h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ color:#424242; font-family:Georgia,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; text-shadow: #fff 1px 1px 0px;}h1 a{ color:#424242; font-size:50px; position:relative; top:11px; font-weight: normal; z-index: 100;}h3{ font-size: 20px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 20px;}h4{ font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; margin-bottom: 10px;}a{ color: #3299bb; text-decoration: none; -moz-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out; -webkit-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out; -o-transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out; transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out;}#page-wrap{ width: 750px; position: relative; margin: 0px auto 20px auto; padding-top: 50px;}#content{ background-color: #e9e9e9; padding: 64px 35px 22px; font-size: 14px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; -webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,1) 0px 0px 4px; -moz-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,1) 0px 0px 4px; box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,1) 0px 0px 4px ;}#content p{ text-align:justify; font-size: 12px; line-height: 18px; margin-bottom: 10px;}#questions{ margin-bottom: 50px;}#questions li{ margin-bottom: 20px; color: #3299bb; list-style-type: disc; list-style-position: inside;}#questions ul li a{ font-weight: bold;}#questions ul li a:hover{ color: #00befd;}#questions ul li a:active{ color: #e78c03;}#answers ul li{ margin-bottom: 30px; clear: both;}#footer{ padding-top:5px; text-align:center;}#footer p{ color: #424242;}#footer a{ color: #424242; font-weight: bold;}

After styling the page, we should style the current FAQ. Note that we’ve also added a ‘Top’ button to the current FAQ. To create the button, we’ll use a handful of CSS3 properties.

.current-faq{ background-color: #424242; color: #e9e9e9; padding:30px 30px 23px;}.current-faq h4{ color: #e9e9e9; font-weight: bold; font-size:22px; text-shadow: #000 1px 1px 0px;}.top-button { border-top: 1px solid #96d1f8; background: #2289a8; background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#3299bb), to(#2289a8)); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #3299bb, #2289a8); padding: 4px 8px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 6px; -moz-border-radius-topleft: 6px; border-top-left-radius: 6px; -webkit-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,1) -1px -1px 0; -moz-box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,1) -1px -1px 0; box-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,1) -1px -1px 0; text-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,.4) -1px -1px 0; color: #ffffff; font-size: 11px; font-family: Georgia, serif; text-decoration: none; vertical-align: middle; font-weight: bold; float: right; right:-30px; position: relative;}.top-button:hover { border-top-color: #0b93bd; background: #0b93bd; color: #ffffff;}.top-button:active { border-top-color: #e78c03; background: #e78c03;}

Check if the ‘current’ class is working properly by assigning the class to any of the list elements. The current FAQ should look like the following:

We’ll use jQuery UI to add some effects to the page. You can download jQuery UI here. We only need limited use of the whole UI library, hence, downloading only the UI core components will suffice. We also need the jQuery scrollTo plug-in for achieving the smooth scrolling effect — though you could also easily code this functionality on your own. Nonetheless, to save time, you can download the plug-in here.

First, we reference jQuery, the jQuery UI Core files, and the scrollTo plug-in within the header.php file. You can do this by adding the following code just before the wp_head() method.

The wp_enqueue_script statement is needed in order to load jQuery safely.

To enable our desired functionality, we fetch the value of the href attribute from the clicked element (i.e. the question). This value is the id of the list element which contains the answer. Then, we scroll to the list element, and apply the ‘current’ class. jQuery UI will ensure that the class is implemented on the list element smoothly and dynamically.

$(document).ready(function(){$("div#questions ul a").click(function(){var selected = $(this).attr('href');selected += '"'+selected+'"';/*--Removing the Current class and the top button from previous current FAQs---*/$('.top-button').remove();$('.current-faq').removeClass();$.scrollTo(selected, 400 ,function(){$(selected).addClass('current-faq', 400, function(){$(this).append('TOP');});});return false;});

As mentioned earlier, we also have a ‘Top’ button which scrolls the page back to the top.

$('.top-button').live('click',function(){$(this).remove();$('.current-faq').removeClass('current-faq',400,function(){$.scrollTo('0px', 800);});return false;})});

What you’ve learned today is merely one way of implementing a FAQ page. WordPress provides the power of custom fields, which can be used to further improve the functionality of the FAQ system. When it comes to adding other features to our FAQ page, your own creativity is the only limit! Feel free to share your ideas in the comments!

View the original article here

Magento Holiday Support Hours, We are By Your Side This Holiday Season

Hello! Paul Wallace here, VP of Customer Support at Magento.

This time of year, shoppers complain about the “stressful” holiday shopping period…. But who thinks about the stress on-line retailers go through during this holiday period? We do!

Holiday shopping accounts for a significant percentage of annual revenue for many retailers, which means making or breaking the year. Because of this, on-line retailers are stressed out and very carefully monitor their eCommerce storefronts spikes in site traffic, transactions and overall site health.

Here at Magento we understand these are critical times for our Enterprise and Professional Edition merchants and Solution Partners and we are ready to help.  We are on full alert from now through the end of the year to help you if necessary:

Be assured that our support team will be readily available during Thanksgiving from 8am CET – 6pm PST on Thanksgiving Day, November 25 and Friday November 26.And in addition we will be monitoring our support system and alerts for any critical issues that arise during off hours.
In addition in the past few months we have made significant headway in creating a robust support organization.

We have:

Tripled our support team with fantastic people around the globe with the objective of better communications and resolutions.Just completed the installation of a new state of the art ticketing system and we can now get real time visibility and metrics.Just added a new support center expanded our talent in other centers including adding new people to our Los Angeles support center.  Now we have support personal and offices in California, Texas, South America, Europe and we have more to go.  Our goal is to create global coverage.Currently testing and implementing chat support.Further scaling our talent to expand our hours of operations and resolution time.… more to come!
We wish you a successful holiday shopping season and look forward to being at your side with any support issues. Happy holidays!

View the original article here

7 Christmas Magento Themes

It’s a few weeks to Christmas and we bet you know what it means for webmasters and online retailers. It means it’s time to get their websites ready for one of the biggest holidays of the year.

It’s your choice if you want a new holiday look for your site or a Christmas banner would be enough to attract more visitors. Here you’ll see a list of Christmas Magento Themes and we hope it includes the design that meets your needs. It’s also important to note that the following Christmas Magento Themes are offered by different companies. So you don’t have to spend your time looking for a holiday design for your website or online store. We’ve already done it for you.

Now you can compare designs, features and prices and choose the best of the best Christmas Magento Themes. In fact, each image is a link that will help you learn more about the Christmas Magento Theme you like most.

View the original article here

miercuri, 8 decembrie 2010

Online Tv Software +++ Software de Tv en línea

Earn 75% With The Popular Satellite Tv Software. Our Online Tv Software Convert Better With The New Localized Landing Page System. To Get Your Special Auto Geo Targeted Link Visit Http://affiliates.icpc.tv Now! www.ONLINE-TV-SOFTWARE.NET

Check it out!

JavaScript from Null: Utility Functions and Debugging

 Topic: JavaScript Difficulty: Basix Format: 24 Minute Video

JavaScript University continues as we develop our first utility function that will allow us to filter and retrieve only the unique values from an array. Along the way, I’ll also teach you how to use the excellent Firebug to debug your code.

var unique = function(origArr) { var newArr = [], origLen = origArr.length, found, x, y; for ( x = 0; x < origLen; x++ ) { found = undefined; for ( y = 0; y < newArr.length; y++ ) { if ( origArr[x] === newArr[y] ) { found = true; break; } } if ( !found) newArr.push( origArr[x] ); } return newArr;};// Test it outvar myarray = ['jeffrey', 'allie', 'patty', 'damon', 'zach', 'jeffrey', 'allie'];myarray = unique(myarray);console.log(myarray); // jeffrey, allie, patty, damon, zach

So, with this lesson out of the way, you now know how to build your own helpful utility functions. I hope you enjoyed today's video tutorial!

View the original article here

Magento Preview Version - Now Available!

We are happy to announce the availability of Magento Preview Version for download.

As this is a preview version it is NOT recommended in any way to be used in a production environment (more information about preview releases and the community edition release process can be found in this blog post). We also highly encourage extension developers to test their extensions for compatibility with this version. This release is NOT available for upgrade through Magento Connect Manager and is only available on our download page.
Update: This release is also available for upgrade through the old Magento Connect Manager for people using Magento CE or older.

We have decided to remove the new Magento Connect Manager from this release as this is a new feature and as such should not be included in a revision release. Support for Magento Connect 2 is scheduled for release with Magento CE 1.5.
Please check our release notes page for everything that is included in this release. Diff files are available here.

Please report all issues with this release in the bug tracker.

 View the original article here

Free Magento Templates by CaxidTemplates.com

Yes, it’s another article about the Magento Templates that are available free of charge. According to our blog statistics, we know that you love articles about freebies and we hope you’ll enjoy this one as well. But first of all, we’d like to thank the Caxid Templates team for creating beautiful and high quality Free Magento Templates. It’s really nice of them to offer the following templates for free and supplying their designs with the source files. Thus, it will take minimum efforts to edit the templates.

In fact, it’s pretty easy to download the Magento Template you like. Simply choose the design you want to get for free and click the Download button. Then you’ll be asked to enter your name and email address. Once you do this, you’ll get a download link. That’s about it!

Please enjoy the free templates that are brought to you by CaxidTemplates.com and if you’d like to see more freebies like this, read more articles about Free Magento Templates on our blog.

View the original article here

marți, 7 decembrie 2010

Pizza Shop Business Plan Template

Easy to customize pizza shop business plan comprised of Microsoft Word, Excel and Adobe documents. Plus some incredible getting started bonuses to help any entrepreneur open and operate a successful pizzeria.

Check it out!

Quick Tip: First Look at the “Git Tower” GUI

 Topic: Git Difficulty: N/A OS: Mac-exclusive

Newly available in Public Beta (currently), Git Tower is a Mac app, built in Cocoa, that provides a GUI for working with the Git version control system. One of the most frequently asked questions on Nettuts+ is, “What’s the best GUI for working with Git?” It’s no wonder: Git can be incredibly confusing at first. In today’s video quick tip, we’ll take a first look at this new app.

Subscribe to our YouTube page to watch all of the video tutorials!

So what do you think? I’m curious to hear how Git newbs view this app, as opposed to seasoned veterans? To the latter, do you see any advantages to using a GUI? Thanks for watching!

View the original article here

Meet Magento continues winning streak

 From 4th to 5th of November 2010 the leading Magento eCommerce conference ”Meet Magento” took place in Leipzig, Germany. About 450 participants came to share knowledge about the latest developments in eCommerce and Magento. The keynotes were held by Roy Rubin and Michel Goossens.

In total, more than 40 speakers spoke on current eCommerce and Magento issues. The conference committee, consisting of six industry experts, ensured the quality of the presentations and offered all participants a strong and diversified program, with numerous case studies and panel discussions.

Besides this, 19 companies presented their products and services in the exhibition area.

The after-show party was held at the conclusion of the first day. Many participants took the opportunity to network with the Magento management team and the other attendees.

Next year, the organizers want to continue the success of the “Meet Magento” event. The exact date for the Meet Magento #5.11 will be announced shortly.

Check out all the photos here.

View the original article here

Magento Extensions Quality Assurance Certification

Ah, what a mouthful. First off all, sorry to disappoint you, as this article is purely result of my imagination. There is no such thing as “Magento Extensions Quality Assurance Certification” (aka MEQAC) at least not at the moment (as to 1/12/2010).

But let’s for a moment imagine there is such thing. Let’s discuss one possible direction of thinking. Let’s discuss the current issues with Magento extensions development.

Seems like Magento’s extremely flexible architecture where you can do almost anything if you are up to the task imposes some serious issues when it comes to general free/commercial extensions you can grab from either Magento Connect or from the developer/company site.

To make it clear, I do not blame Magento that much for this situation as I blame the extension developers. Magento just gave you powerful eCommerce tool/platform, its your problem if you are narrowed in thinking or better yet short on time to code something robust and unobtrusive. Before I go any further, and someone feels threaten by the “if you are narrowed in thinking” expression I just gave above, allow me to say that I too code my extensions as wast majority of others, so this goes on me as well.

So, what are those issues I am talking about? Let’s say we have extension A that was developed by the freelance developer (lets call him) DevA and given for free. Then we have extension B developed by company ComB. Both extensions are similar in nature, in terms of doing similar functionality.

Extension A has the following description: “Easily list detailed product info on the order PDF print for Invoice.”. Extension B on the other hand has the description of: “Show the Google Map for the customer address on the PDF printed page for Invoice.”.

When an average client (site owner) sees these two extensions, the only thing he wants to know is: “Does this work for my version of Magento”. You know, that version number you can see listed as “Compatibility” label on the Magento Connect. After that, he will most likely go and install both of the extensions.

Chances are that these two extensions at some point in the code use the same files. When I say “use the same files” I am referring to either “overriding the same method on the some Magento class”, or “use same view file” from admin theme folder to output their content. In Magento if you would like to change the PDF document that gets printed as an Invoice summary, you most likely need to modify the working of “app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Order/Pdf/Invoice.php” file. You can check it out, it has two methods in Magento version, getPdf and newPage.

Now, if your extension overrides the getPdf method and changes it’s functionality to conform to Extension A from DevA, then that conflicts the Extension B from CompB if it turns out that that one to overrides the getPdf method from the same file/class.

Proper resolution? Each extension should be coded such not to rely on the built in “PDF” invoice print, that is not to override the built in PDF invoice print in this case. Present a new button, injected unobtrusively into the Invoice view page next to the existing “Print” button, like shown on the images below.

 In such case, each button triggers specific extension controller (which in turns trigger extension specific model) that could be 90% of just copy pasted code from default Magento, plus specific extension functionality. The main idea is not to break or overwrite anything default, or anything that other extensions might overwrite thus making our code irrelevant. Plus, we want the system to stay intact even if we later remove/uninstall our extension

Depending on how unobtrusively buttons have been injected into the layout we could say that for such extensions we now have some basic grounds for discussing quality. Because when I think of Magento extension quality I do not just think on the code quality, but the logic quality and the “what happens if I remove my extension”, and “what happens if there are several more similar extensions installed” quality.

It’s hard to give some valid guidelines on proper coding around this for two mains reasons:

Any truly unobtrusive extension development requires knowing the system, that is Magento, very well.That might not be the official Magento (Varien) standpoint around such coding.

Once more, please keep in mind that I do not refer to custom development projects and “extensions” developed specific for needs of one project. These I consider to be special cases, in which most of the time extension development comes as a form of refactoring/stacking code nicely. I am referring to the Magento Connect type extensions that should run on any store.

With that in mind, I would like to see the Magento Connect one day evolve into something like iTunes from Apple. Personally I like the idea of someone authorized and skilled reviewing my widely redistributable extension prior to allowing it to be installed on any Magento store trough Magento Connect.

Maybe even develop entire concept of “Magento Extensions Quality Assurance Certification” around it. I mean, if you are in the business of commercial extension development I doubt you will have anything against paying lets say $100-$500 dollars per year for having your extensions get the “Magento Extensions Quality Assurance Certification” signature?! When benefits can be increased customer (site owner) satisfaction and equally important improved and cleaner standards for extension development.

Concept could go like: You pay $100-$500 per year, during which you can put up as many extensions as you wish for sale in Magento Connect (given that it evolves into iTunes clone or similar). Once you upload your extension it gets reviewed, certified and published on Magento connect, possibly gets some public hash key for specific certified zip/tar/xxxx archive that you can then sell out of the Magento Connect, etc. If the one year fee is out, your extension for specific hash key still remains its certification for certain declared requirements (like Magento version no, etc). Just thinking out loud here.

Such “Magento Extensions Quality Assurance Certification” program would then be in charge of checking several important parts of your extension inner working such as:

what happens when the extension is installedwhat happens when the extension is removed (does it do cleanup of database, if it uses database)what happens if there are similar extensionwhat happens if I remove dependent modulesdoes your extension trigger any events in order to allow others to hook intowhat happens when errors occur in your extension, are they allowed to break the normal execution of the program (Magento)does your extension use the system.log for logging its own logs or does it need to log it into extension named log file, what log levels should be logged even if log is turned off in Magento adminetc.

Surely the existence of such “certification” is debatable when it comes to Community editions of Magento as people expect free solutions mostly. So I do not see any particular reason why someone coding free extension for Community version of Magento would pay any fee for certification, etc. However, when it comes ti Professional of Enterprise versions then this topic might make some sense.

Would like to hear your thoughts on this.

To post code in comments, place your code inside [code] and [/code] tags.

View the original article here

Free Magento Templates by MageStore.com

MageStore.com is offering Free Magento Templates and the freebies are available to anyone who needs them, regardless of the business you are in. The Mage Store team has already created Magento Templates for sites that sell computers, electronics, clothing, accessories, furniture and toys online. In fact, the Free Magento Templates come with source files. So, you can easily edit them and save your changes.

To download the Free Magento Template you like you should register an account with MageStore.com. However, it will cost you nothing to do this.

We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to people behind the Mage Store who put their efforts in creating Free Magento Templates. Your freebies are highly appreciated and much needed.

Please click on the image below to learn more about the free templates and see the live demos.

If you’re looking for more articles about Free Magento Templates, then browse our website or simply follow the link in this sentence.

View the original article here

luni, 6 decembrie 2010

Coffee Shop Business Planner

A complete coffee shop business plan to help you get the planning process started. Facts and figures updated yearly.

Check it out!

Get a Top Selling Item on CodeCanyon for Free

 As you may know, each month – across all of the Envato™ marketplaces – we offer one new free file. I’m pleased to announce that, for December, the awesome Jigowatt team have donated one of CodeCanyon’s top selling PHP scripts.

So for the entire month of December, you can have it for free!

Very easy to integrate into any existing PHP page on your website.The form style can be integrated into your existing website Stylesheet.All fields have a validation script so you get the *required info you need.Anti spam, are you human? filter.Only 1 option to configure (your email address) to make the script function.Integrated thank you / success page.Integrated error messages, if fields aren’t correct or incomplete.Uses standard server features for a no-hassle installation.Customisable email message that you receive.Customisable email subject.New! Submit phone number and digit validation.

I’d love to remind you of our newest category, specifically for mobile components, boilerplates, and scripts! I’m particularly excited to see how the Titanium subcategory pans out, as there’s an enormous amount of potential there — for both authors and buyers.

Anyhow – enjoy the free item! Also, don’t forget that all of our marketplaces offer a new free item every month!

View the original article here


 Greetings Magentites, What is Cyber-Monday ?

Cyber-Monday is Only One of the biggest online shopping days of the year!

We know our Magento shops are the best ever! We want to show off your Magento Store as well as your awesome deals for Cyber-Monday

What does this mean for you?

It means you have and incredible opportunity to get your site shown off by at least 15k twitter followers as well as all of the wonderful people who read our blog.

Cyber-Monday is the Internet's version of BLACK FRIDAY! Lots of super awesome deals are available to Christmas Shoppers and to online shop owners and we want you to be a part of it!

What can you do?

All you have to do is tweet us your most awesome Magento Cyber-Monday deals to @magento #MagentoCyberMonday on twitter, and we'll retweet them for you!

The power of connections is awesome. We have 15k followers on twitter @magento! That's not to even say how many people may retweet those awesome links. The power for your online shops may be endless for this awesome Cyber-Monday!

Send us your Magento Shop links! We'll retweet them! I hope for you all a very prosperous Cyber-Monday!


We had such an incredible response to our Cyber-Monday tweets, we thought we'd give you all a list to make it easier for you to browse these Magento powered shops in order to find some great Cyber-Monday Deals! Check out our list below and thanks for everyone who sent us info on twitter!

Latest Additions - 11/29/2010

OKSkate is offering $15 off every purchase of $75 dollars or more. Use Code "CMONDAY" at checkout

@alisonrosetees - Alison Rose is offering a free tee with your order (first 5 orders), plus 25% off of everything!

@ONEHOPEWINE - One Hope Wine has got a Case of the Cyber Mondays! 40% OFF Cyber Monday Case Special +15% OFF Gifts.

@Giantnerd - Giant Nerd has their most Giant & Nerdy Deals of the Year. Up To 70% Off The World’s Best Outdoor Gear

@electricshoppin - Electric Shopping Buy any 3 items and get £10 off your order. Code: ICM-02007

@qcsupply - Check out the Specials! at http://www.qcsupply.com

@UrbanStephanie - Monday-15% Off All Online Items Today at Urban General Store - Urban General Store

@bern0s - Check out Bernos for 20% off Today ONLY!

@justpaintballuk - Just Paintball Save £5 when you spend £50 with voucher code "CYBER5" until the end of the year! /

@JustHealthShops - Get FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $25 at Just Home Medical+ Great Gift Ideas. Use code FREESHP -

@smileycookie - Smiley Cookie is offering a Cybermonday Special: Free Shipping on orders over $25. Use Coupon Code: Ship25.

@Speedy_Signs - Speedy Signs is offering a 25% OFF Store Wide Sale Use Coupon Code CYBERMONDAY

@stratashops - Check out this exclusive sale on Lloyd Flanders wicker furniture! Order today for free shipping! Wicker Central

@CoffeeForLess - Coffee For Less is offering 10% Off K-Cups with Coupon Code: KCUPTHANKS at

@PandA_Fragrance - Perfume and Aftershave Enter 'Corecos' in checkout for 10% off all orders P&P just £2.50

@cyberkiller - Use coupon code "10OFF" for 10% off your entire order at http://www.JWSupplements.com or "10Percent" for 10% off your entire order http://www.ForeverSilkFlowers.com

@cantontea - Canton Tea Co is offering Fine Chinese tea & teaware: 15% off using coupon CYBERMONDAY. FREE UK P&P and FREE gift wrapping!


@stewartgoodwin 40% off of any tungsten wedding ring at Infinity Tungsten.

@nutsandboltstv @magento Cyber Monday Starts Now @ Nuts and Bolts True Value http://tinyurl.com/36ewk4k #MagentoCyberMonday #CyberMonday

@JoanneHudson Now through Monday: 20% off everything and free gift w/your order at http://www.joannehudson.com/

@BoozinGear Use coupon code "cyber29" for 29% off clothing at Boozin Gear

@EyeCandyTweets Eye Candy Fashion will be having 20% off + FREE Shipping on orders over $25 at Eye Candy Fashion

LinenTableclth Dec cloth rolls, ribbon and more (overlays and runners, chair covers and sashes) 50% off at Linen Tablecloth (Other select items at 35% off)

@HEXBUG FREE ground shipping on orders over $79.99 at HexBug

@greenliness Buy products that are better for the EARTH and save 25% Greenliness

@mageworxdotcom Magento Extensions! Up to 26% off your order till 11/30/2010. Use coupon code FALLPROMO at Mageworx

@bradysewall 50% off Laptop Bags and Accessories. Free shipping & Lifetime Warranty on all cases! t MobileEdge

@GlobalMusicDepo Great deals on guitar effects and Darco strings at Global Music Depot

@TheGreenNursery Natural Baby Toys 20% off today and tomorrow. Code Extra-10 for $10 OFF orders over $125 Use code TGN-VIP for FS on orders over $35 The Green Nursery

@mikebrownphotos Mike Brown Photographyis offering 10% off store wide with discount coupon 'magento' - stunning Irish Wildlife and Landscape photos - free shipping

@jpatristain Check out the Monday deals @ HiPXiK (Note: Shoppers from Mexico can get their free membership here http://bit.ly/fLCMfu )

@carbonfibergear Carbon Fiber Gear is offering 15% all products! “Ultimate Man Gifts”.

@ggiedotcom Great Gift Ideas, Etc Extra 40-60% Off Alpaca Blankets Coats Shawls Etc

@Jadetime_com Jade Time is offering Free Shipping on orders over 50$ until November 30th.

truecleantowel Only $15 True Clean Towels. True Clean Towel

@furoshiki Furoshiki is offering 10% off entire site, Furoshiki

@stateshop Use discount code: MagentoCyberMonday for 20% off all Monday long! State Shop

@GearXcom Save up to 85% at GearX Skis from $69.99 Sleeping Bags from $29.97 Climbing Harnesses from $14.99!

@TheFeelingCo Shirts & hats now on sale for only $10 each! Wear your feelings LOUD!http://thefeelingcompany.com" title="The Feeling Company">The Feeling Company

@HANGER3 Check out Hanger3.com 40% off your entire order. Use coupon code: "since2006" at checkout.

@alexknowshtml $20 off $99 or more at Choice Shirts

@Kneesntoes_com 20% Off All Girls' Socks, Tights, 15% off Baby Boy Socks and Shoes, Select 3 pack low cut socks $1.75 Knees and Toes

I'll be periodically adding to this list through Monday so keep sending those tweets to @Magento #MagentoCyberMonday

Happy Shopping!

View the original article here

Magento Preview Version - Now Available!

We are happy to announce the availability of Magento Preview Version for download.

As this is a preview version it is NOT recommended in any way to be used in a production environment (more information about preview releases and the community edition release process can be found in this blog post). We also highly encourage extension developers to test their extensions for compatibility with this version. This release is NOT available for upgrade through Magento Connect Manager and is only available on our download page.
Update: This release is also available for upgrade through the old Magento Connect Manager for people using Magento CE or older.

We have decided to remove the new Magento Connect Manager from this release as this is a new feature and as such should not be included in a revision release. Support for Magento Connect 2 is scheduled for release with Magento CE 1.5.
Please check our release notes page for everything that is included in this release. Diff files are available here.

Please report all issues with this release in the bug tracker.


View the original article here

sâmbătă, 4 decembrie 2010

Home Online Jobs

Number #1 Converting Site In Category. 1 in 13 Hops, $2.00 Epc, Super Low Refunds. Best Converting Work At Home Website In CB.

Check it out!

Quick Tip: First Look at the “Git Tower” GUI

 Topic: Git Difficulty: N/A OS: Mac-exclusive

Newly available in Public Beta (currently), Git Tower is a Mac app, built in Cocoa, that provides a GUI for working with the Git version control system. One of the most frequently asked questions on Nettuts+ is, “What’s the best GUI for working with Git?” It’s no wonder: Git can be incredibly confusing at first. In today’s video quick tip, we’ll take a first look at this new app.

Subscribe to our YouTube page to watch all of the video tutorials!

So what do you think? I’m curious to hear how Git newbs view this app, as opposed to seasoned veterans? To the latter, do you see any advantages to using a GUI? Thanks for watching!

View the original article here

vineri, 3 decembrie 2010

Mogento in Movember!

Movember is an organization that challenges men to change their appearance and the face of men’s health by growing a mustache. The rules are simple, start Movember 1st - clean-shaven and then grow a mustache for the entire month. The mustache becomes the ribbon for men’s health, the means by which awareness and funds are raised for cancers that affect men. Much like the commitment to run or walk for charity, the men of Movember commit to growing a mustachio for 30 days.

Well, we'd like to give a shoutout to a few of our Magento employees took on this challenge! Aaron Krass, David Mintz, and Lars Schmidt. Together they have raised over $12,000 for their teams. Magento will be donating $250 for each mustache on behalf of our participating staff members to Movember Foundation. Click on their names to view their donation pages! 
Lars will be attending Movember Foundation Gala Party and will shave afterwards.

View the original article here

1st Inchoo Learning Day

We’re hoping to start a new tradition with the event we organized today. 1st Inchoo Learning Day took place in Zlatna Greda, Croatia where the group of geeks (Inchooers) gathered to discuss and learn about programming best practices. The idea is simple. We will take one Friday every two months to go somewhere in the nature and spend a day working on education and knowledge sharing.

We knew it will be a fun event, but we weren’t sure if it will be as useful as we hoped. Now, few days after, things are clear. It was a great thing to have a day like this where developers will move away from computers and share knowledge between each other.

“But why don’t they do that at regular work?”, someone could ask. Of course they do. Events like this are not a replacement for education. They help, speed up and guide education that happens every day.

Topics of the 1st Inchoo Learning Day were:

“Introduction speech”, Tomislav Bilic“Eclipse, SVN & Magento“, Vedran Subotic“MVC & Magento“, Ivan Weiler“Events & Observers“, Tomas Novoselic“Frontend best practices“, Željko Jake Prša“Debugging techniques“, Branko Ajzele

Unfortunately, most of the classes were prepared in Croatian language, so they have little use to be published. Some of them were also presented in brainstorming fashion where there is no classic Power Point or Keynote file.

Beside the educational part, we did have time for some fun where we tested our archery skills. Ana was the winner. You can check some images here on the slideshow below or directly on Flickr. Enjoy. :)

View the original article here

Free Magento Templates by CaxidTemplates.com

Yes, it’s another article about the Magento Templates that are available free of charge. According to our blog statistics, we know that you love articles about freebies and we hope you’ll enjoy this one as well. But first of all, we’d like to thank the Caxid Templates team for creating beautiful and high quality Free Magento Templates. It’s really nice of them to offer the following templates for free and supplying their designs with the source files. Thus, it will take minimum efforts to edit the templates.

In fact, it’s pretty easy to download the Magento Template you like. Simply choose the design you want to get for free and click the Download button. Then you’ll be asked to enter your name and email address. Once you do this, you’ll get a download link. That’s about it!

Please enjoy the free templates that are brought to you by CaxidTemplates.com and if you’d like to see more freebies like this, read more articles about Free Magento Templates on our blog.

View the original article here

joi, 2 decembrie 2010

How To Start Your Own Quilt Shop

Comprehensive Business Guide Shows You How To Start, Run, And Market A Successful Quilt Shop.

Check it out!

Magento Extensions Quality Assurance Certification

Ah, what a mouthful. First off all, sorry to disappoint you, as this article is purely result of my imagination. There is no such thing as “Magento Extensions Quality Assurance Certification” (aka MEQAC) at least not at the moment (as to 1/12/2010).

But let’s for a moment imagine there is such thing. Let’s discuss one possible direction of thinking. Let’s discuss the current issues with Magento extensions development.

Seems like Magento’s extremely flexible architecture where you can do almost anything if you are up to the task imposes some serious issues when it comes to general free/commercial extensions you can grab from either Magento Connect or from the developer/company site.

To make it clear, I do not blame Magento that much for this situation as I blame the extension developers. Magento just gave you powerful eCommerce tool/platform, its your problem if you are narrowed in thinking or better yet short on time to code something robust and unobtrusive. Before I go any further, and someone feels threaten by the “if you are narrowed in thinking” expression I just gave above, allow me to say that I too code my extensions as wast majority of others, so this goes on me as well.

So, what are those issues I am talking about? Let’s say we have extension A that was developed by the freelance developer (lets call him) DevA and given for free. Then we have extension B developed by company ComB. Both extensions are similar in nature, in terms of doing similar functionality.

Extension A has the following description: “Easily list detailed product info on the order PDF print for Invoice.”. Extension B on the other hand has the description of: “Show the Google Map for the customer address on the PDF printed page for Invoice.”.

When an average client (site owner) sees these two extensions, the only thing he wants to know is: “Does this work for my version of Magento”. You know, that version number you can see listed as “Compatibility” label on the Magento Connect. After that, he will most likely go and install both of the extensions.

Chances are that these two extensions at some point in the code use the same files. When I say “use the same files” I am referring to either “overriding the same method on the some Magento class”, or “use same view file” from admin theme folder to output their content. In Magento if you would like to change the PDF document that gets printed as an Invoice summary, you most likely need to modify the working of “app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Order/Pdf/Invoice.php” file. You can check it out, it has two methods in Magento version, getPdf and newPage.

Now, if your extension overrides the getPdf method and changes it’s functionality to conform to Extension A from DevA, then that conflicts the Extension B from CompB if it turns out that that one to overrides the getPdf method from the same file/class.

Proper resolution? Each extension should be coded such not to rely on the built in “PDF” invoice print, that is not to override the built in PDF invoice print in this case. Present a new button, injected unobtrusively into the Invoice view page next to the existing “Print” button, like shown on the images below.

 In such case, each button triggers specific extension controller (which in turns trigger extension specific model) that could be 90% of just copy pasted code from default Magento, plus specific extension functionality. The main idea is not to break or overwrite anything default, or anything that other extensions might overwrite thus making our code irrelevant. Plus, we want the system to stay intact even if we later remove/uninstall our extension

Depending on how unobtrusively buttons have been injected into the layout we could say that for such extensions we now have some basic grounds for discussing quality. Because when I think of Magento extension quality I do not just think on the code quality, but the logic quality and the “what happens if I remove my extension”, and “what happens if there are several more similar extensions installed” quality.

It’s hard to give some valid guidelines on proper coding around this for two mains reasons:

Any truly unobtrusive extension development requires knowing the system, that is Magento, very well.That might not be the official Magento (Varien) standpoint around such coding.

Once more, please keep in mind that I do not refer to custom development projects and “extensions” developed specific for needs of one project. These I consider to be special cases, in which most of the time extension development comes as a form of refactoring/stacking code nicely. I am referring to the Magento Connect type extensions that should run on any store.

With that in mind, I would like to see the Magento Connect one day evolve into something like iTunes from Apple. Personally I like the idea of someone authorized and skilled reviewing my widely redistributable extension prior to allowing it to be installed on any Magento store trough Magento Connect.

Maybe even develop entire concept of “Magento Extensions Quality Assurance Certification” around it. I mean, if you are in the business of commercial extension development I doubt you will have anything against paying lets say $100-$500 dollars per year for having your extensions get the “Magento Extensions Quality Assurance Certification” signature?! When benefits can be increased customer (site owner) satisfaction and equally important improved and cleaner standards for extension development.

Concept could go like: You pay $100-$500 per year, during which you can put up as many extensions as you wish for sale in Magento Connect (given that it evolves into iTunes clone or similar). Once you upload your extension it gets reviewed, certified and published on Magento connect, possibly gets some public hash key for specific certified zip/tar/xxxx archive that you can then sell out of the Magento Connect, etc. If the one year fee is out, your extension for specific hash key still remains its certification for certain declared requirements (like Magento version no, etc). Just thinking out loud here.

Such “Magento Extensions Quality Assurance Certification” program would then be in charge of checking several important parts of your extension inner working such as:

what happens when the extension is installedwhat happens when the extension is removed (does it do cleanup of database, if it uses database)what happens if there are similar extensionwhat happens if I remove dependent modulesdoes your extension trigger any events in order to allow others to hook intowhat happens when errors occur in your extension, are they allowed to break the normal execution of the program (Magento)does your extension use the system.log for logging its own logs or does it need to log it into extension named log file, what log levels should be logged even if log is turned off in Magento adminetc.

Surely the existence of such “certification” is debatable when it comes to Community editions of Magento as people expect free solutions mostly. So I do not see any particular reason why someone coding free extension for Community version of Magento would pay any fee for certification, etc. However, when it comes ti Professional of Enterprise versions then this topic might make some sense.

Would like to hear your thoughts on this.

To post code in comments, place your code inside [code] and [/code] tags.

View the original article here

7 Christmas Magento Themes

It’s a few weeks to Christmas and we bet you know what it means for webmasters and online retailers. It means it’s time to get their websites ready for one of the biggest holidays of the year.

It’s your choice if you want a new holiday look for your site or a Christmas banner would be enough to attract more visitors. Here you’ll see a list of Christmas Magento Themes and we hope it includes the design that meets your needs. It’s also important to note that the following Christmas Magento Themes are offered by different companies. So you don’t have to spend your time looking for a holiday design for your website or online store. We’ve already done it for you.

Now you can compare designs, features and prices and choose the best of the best Christmas Magento Themes. In fact, each image is a link that will help you learn more about the Christmas Magento Theme you like most.

View the original article here

marți, 30 noiembrie 2010

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Ecommerce is growing. But how fast?

Everyone knows that the ecommerce industry is growing.
But do you know how fast? Or what percent of all the retail sales it takes?

United States Census Bureau published Quarterly E-Commerce Report on November 17th, 2010.
This is the latest statistics on ecommerce available for United States.

The U.S. Census Bureau, pre-eminent collector and disseminator of timely, relevant, and quality data about the people and the economy of the United States, conducts a population and housing census every 10 years, an economic census every five years, and more than 100 demographic and economic surveys every year, all of them evolving from the first census in 1790.

3rd quarter of 2010 shows rather good results with 41,5 billion USD retail sales in ecommerce. It accounts for almost 4.2% of the total retail sales in US.

What is interesting is that the estimated ecommerce sales increased 14.1 percent in Q3 of 2010 compared to Q3 of 2009 while total retail sales increased 5.8 percent in the same period.

This proves that ecommerce is growing much faster than the overall retail market.

You can follow the growth of the share of ecommerce sales over time in this graph:

Estimated Quarterly U.S. Retail E-commerce Sales as a Percent of Total Quarterly Retail Sales:
1st Quarter 2001 – 3rd Quarter 2010

Red line shows estimates that are not adjusted.
Blue line shows estimates adjusted for seasonal variation and holiday and trading-day differences, but not for price changes.

It will be really interesting to see how holiday shopping season (with Black Friday and Cyber Monday just around the corner) will affect these numbers for the last quarter.

Go Ecommerce! 

View the original article here

luni, 29 noiembrie 2010

Online Roulette Robot | Very High Conversion

We have created an automated robot software that wins money at Online roulette.

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Bargento 5 : mCommerce, logistics, and payments

 Don’t miss Bargento, the complete eCommerce event dedicated to Magento!

Bargento 5 * November 8 * CAP 15 in Paris

After four editions, Bargento has become a “must” for all those wishing to meet professionals and experts, forge new alliances and find new service providers. Whether you already use Magento or intend to migrate to this solution, your visit to Bargento will provide all the answers on the most popular eCommerce solution in the worlrld.

* 30 exhibitors will be at your disposal to obtain all information
* 16 presentations will allow you to learn all you need about best practices
* Over 750 attendees expected
* Topics included: Website creation, SEO, SEM, Optimization, ERP, mCommerce, Logistics and Payments.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear Magento CEO & Founder, Roy Rubin.  Roy will present attendees with the latest news, team updates, and Magento’s vision of eCommerce. He’ll also be able to provide direct anwsers to your questions.

For more information on Bargento and to register, please visit the conference website.

View the original article here

duminică, 28 noiembrie 2010

Git vs SVN A.K.A. Everyone likes control

Hi! Today I’ll try to make an objective overview of both SVN’s and Git’s pros and cons from developer side. I won’t go into depth of configuration of any of them neither will discuss specific commands, but rather functionality itself.

I’d like to point out that the two most famous types of version control systems are:

Centralized version control system – subversion (SVN)Distributed or decentralized version control system – Git

And that’s the big difference, others are just a small smaller things that are based upon this main fact. I won’t say that they don’t matter, au contraire, like French would say, amount of that small things is greater in volume than you’d think.

And now, enough with the “general stuff”, let’s put everything on a list.

SVN is a powerful version control tool and many companies have been using it for quite some time. Over the history, it became the most popular version control system in the world.

The “Pros”

SVN is well-known, wide-spread solution that makes everyone comfortable.Its centralized repository makes tracking simplerThere are only two basic commands (used on daily basis):svn commit or svn ci. This command recursively sends your changes to the SVN server. It will commit changed files, added files, and deleted files.svn update or svn up. This command syncs your local sand box with the server. If you have made local changes, it will try and merge any changes on the server with your changes on your machine.SVN help is more organized and to the point. Even a quick Google search will get you much more simple examples than for Git

The “Cons”

SVN stores a pristine copy of every checked-out source file on the client side, in a subdirectory of “.svn“.Space requirement is much greater than with GitRequires Internet connection for many “daily” stuff – which makes it much slower compared to Git

The “Pros”

Stronger branching than any other Source Code ManagementFaster than SVN (in this example) – mainly because it does common tasks like “diff” locally, which includePerform a diff.View file history.Commit changes.Merge branches.Obtain any other revision of a file (not just the prior committed revision).Switch branches.Smaller complete “filesize” of repository

The “Cons”

Overkill on documentation (IMHO) – can’t easily find small examplesIt can get difficult to track branches and revisions

Although SVN is the popular choice, I’d go with Git any day. Not because I’m geeky (and Git would fit into that perfectly), but from the developer side. The fact is that when using version control system, you’ll mainly do a “push”, “pull” and “difference”. And If it has to be directly on server, it will get lagged sometimes (depending on the changes and connection). Git’s capability to create number of “commits” locally and putting it to server with one push is great. Combined together with “difference” locally its my choice of tool. Solely on those two facts.

On the other hand – you will hear that some clients require SVN, and you’ll almost never hear that kind of request for Git – that’s true. But you can always use SVN for specifics, and Git for your comfortability on other projects. And another relevant fact – when I looked into material for this article – I almost couldn’t find an article “SVN over Git” – it was the opposite way.

To “conclude the conclusion” – small example from “real life” I found on the Internet:

For example the Mozilla repository is reported to be almost 12 GiB when stored in SVN using the fsfs backend. Previously, the fsfs backend also required over 240,000 files in one directory to record all 240,000 commits made over the 10 year project history. This was fixed in SVN 1.5, where every 1000 revisions are placed in a separate directory. The exact same history is stored in Git by only two files totaling just over 420 MiB. SVN requires 30x the disk space to store the same history.

As this is exclusively my opinion, I’m very interested in yours. Please express yourselves!


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The Top 5 Mistakes of Massive CSS

 Just because you didn’t get to go to that awesome conference doesn’t mean that you can’t still watch the lectures! Each weekend, we’ll feature a recommended web development lecture on Nettuts+.

This presentation, by Stoyan Stefanov and Nicole Sullivan, primarily details the huge performance benefits to using Object-Oriented CSS, as well as a crop of other common CSS hurdles.

View the original article here

Magento Holiday Support Hours, We are By Your Side This Holiday Season

Hello! Paul Wallace here, VP of Customer Support at Magento.

This time of year, shoppers complain about the “stressful” holiday shopping period…. But who thinks about the stress on-line retailers go through during this holiday period? We do!

Holiday shopping accounts for a significant percentage of annual revenue for many retailers, which means making or breaking the year. Because of this, on-line retailers are stressed out and very carefully monitor their eCommerce storefronts spikes in site traffic, transactions and overall site health.

Here at Magento we understand these are critical times for our Enterprise and Professional Edition merchants and Solution Partners and we are ready to help.  We are on full alert from now through the end of the year to help you if necessary:

Be assured that our support team will be readily available during Thanksgiving from 8am CET – 6pm PST on Thanksgiving Day, November 25 and Friday November 26.And in addition we will be monitoring our support system and alerts for any critical issues that arise during off hours.
In addition in the past few months we have made significant headway in creating a robust support organization.

We have:

Tripled our support team with fantastic people around the globe with the objective of better communications and resolutions.Just completed the installation of a new state of the art ticketing system and we can now get real time visibility and metrics.Just added a new support center expanded our talent in other centers including adding new people to our Los Angeles support center.  Now we have support personal and offices in California, Texas, South America, Europe and we have more to go.  Our goal is to create global coverage.Currently testing and implementing chat support.Further scaling our talent to expand our hours of operations and resolution time.… more to come!
We wish you a successful holiday shopping season and look forward to being at your side with any support issues. Happy holidays!

View the original article here

Magento LightSpeed Module – Review

In the last 7 years of my involvement with web development I have had an opportunity to open a great number of different “boxes“ when looking for web site improvement. After opening these “boxes” things often didn’t seem as it was specified – luckily this is not a case with Magento Lightspeed extension : )

Even though this time there was again a certain feeling of skepticism towards something which seems too good (I probably have been disappointed a lot before), this feeling quickly disappeared. In
this short article I would like to share my experience with Magento LightSpeed module, emphasize
its advantages and compare the results on the website in the creation phase – before and after installation. I don’t intend to go into technical details (such questions can be answered by the Tiny Brick team)

1. Installation

Following very extensive and precise instructions I finished with the basic installation and configuration in about 30 minutes (I have to emphasize here that I’m not a Magento back-end developer). Everything went on without delays.

2. Support

Being curious during the test period I had the need to get in touch with technical support in order to ask a few questions. I logged on live chat on their web site and immediately got an answer (although the status was offline : )) This deserves praise.

3. Results

Everything that had previously been promised for this extension was fulfilled in our test project. The difference in how fast a web site loaded was obvious, to test response time and content loading I used Firebug and YSlow, documenting the results before and after installation (this is just an example without additional configuration). As you can see, the results are far better.

4. Conclusion

- The product has fulfilled all expectations and requirements
- In e-commerce world any increase of speed is extremely important and can increase ROI
- If you are the owner of Magento e-commerce system, this extension can help you a lot, and
in case you are dissatisfied you can always refer to their 15-day guarantee


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Pizza Shop Business Plan Template

Easy to customize pizza shop business plan comprised of Microsoft Word, Excel and Adobe documents. Plus some incredible getting started bonuses to help any entrepreneur open and operate a successful pizzeria.

Check it out!

sâmbătă, 27 noiembrie 2010

Setting up Magento debug enviroment using xdebug and Aptana Studio

I’m using Aptana studio for few months already.
It is Eclipse/PDT based so I’m sure all this can be achieved in any Eclipse based platform.

First you should have xdebug php extension installed. Installation instructions are slightly different
for everyone and that’s why there is a tool which will help you: http://www.xdebug.org/find-binary.php
I ended up with this php.ini config following their instructions tailored just for my config:

zend_extension_ts = C:\WampDeveloper\Components\Php\ext\php_xdebug-2.1.0-5.2-vc6.dll

But that wasn’t enough so you will need to add this lines to your php.ini as well:


Default port is actually 9000, but I changed it to 9001 since I had some problems on 9000, but it doesn’t mean you will have it too.

Restart your web server and you are good to go (fortunately).

Now we need to configure Aptana to use it.

At window->preferences->PHP->PHP server and add new server:

Go to window->preferences->PHP->PHP Executables and make sure you set something like this there:

Check window->preferences->PHP->Debug, mine looks like this:

Go to window->preferences->PHP->Debug->Installed debuggers and configure your xdebug:

You will need to accept remote sessions in case you want to debug application from external browser.

Don’t forget window->preferences->PHP->PHP Servers
Make sure your server is set there.

xdebug in Eclipse should be set up now.
Good luck!

P.S. Since this is very complicated theme to put in one article, I suggest that you try this too: http://www.eclipse.org/pdt/documents/XDebugGuideForPDT2.0.pdf

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Setting up Magento on Git repository

Hello everyone! Recently I wrote a short article  Git vs SVN A.K.A. Everyone likes control. Now, I wanted to give you an “real life” example of putting Magento project into Git repository.

So, let’s begin. First of all, I assume that you wish to start with fresh project and that you’ll be doing only back-end programming. This is important because I’ll set up repository only for /app/code/local/ folder. It will keep the repository lightweight and enough for this practical example. At the end, I’ll explain .gitignore file so that you can make modifications to folders you wish to include.

There are two steps you must go through before you start working with Git:

To get started, you need to install Git on your machine – you can find instructions by going on this page.Next thing you need to do is to find yourself a Git repository that you’ll use for your projects. For this example, I used free private repository located at http://gitfarm.appspot.com/.

Registering (and auto-configuring) of Git repository is extremely simple with gitfarm.appspot.com

Now, when you have your repository ready, all we need to do is add our files to it. In my example, I’ll add only 1 Magento directory (/app/code/local/) I accomplished that with following commands:

Navigate to your “workspace” directory
Write to console: git clone http://repository_name@gitfarm.appspot.com/git/repository_name.git – we cloned our empty repository to local machineNavigate to directory named “repository_name” and if you see .git directory inside it, copy your Magento project inside itWrite to console: git add app/code/local/ – this line added our first directory with its files to repositoryWrite to console: git commit -a -m “Initial repository setup” – with this line executed, we made our first commit with message “Initial repository setup”
Write to console: git push http://repository_name@gitfarm.appspot.com/git/repository_name.git master – and finally we pushed our initial setup folder to repository. When this command is executed, you’ll have your files online in this example.

Now, that wasn’t so hard you should agree. At the moment if you followed these few steps, you have your first Magento Git repository ready for work.

At the moment, anyone with repository location (and password in case of gifarm) can repeat steps 1. , 2. ,5. and 6. and do his/hers share on the project.


If you haven’t used gitfarm.appspot.com as your repository, steps 2 and 6 might differ (depending of repository setup)if you’ve used any private repository, you will have to authenticate via password or ssh key (depending on setup) – when promited in any of the stepsYou can add more than one directory to your Git repository by repeating step 4 with different location (all files and folders under that directory will be added)

.gitignore is Git file that contains a list of files/folders that you wish to keep untracked on repository itself. So, on Magento, as in any other project those are files and folders that depend on your local setup like downloader/, errors/, config.xml,… and so on.

Generally I don’t think that you need whole Magento project on repository, but rather files you edited/added. That’s why I suggest that you put your git project files inside a local copy.

That’s all from me in this one. I hope you learned something new today!

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Bargento Spain 1st Edition

 On November 11th, for the first time in Spain, Ydral E-business Solutions in collaboration with Eventos E-commerce (Expo Ecommerce), Magento Inc., NBS System and Madrid Tecnologia are organizing Bargento Espana.

Bargento Espana will be a unique opportunity to discover all the secrets and trends of the eCommerce solution, Magento. Don’t miss this Spanish event as it is sure to bring you knowledge and insight on:
- How to develop you eCommerce business
- How to increase your sales
- Best practices about Magento
- Social shopping

Remember that the event will take place on November 11th at Madrid On Rails – Lago Titicaca, 10, Madrid. For any help you can contact: info@bargento.es or info@ydral.com.

To participate, register today!

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